Getting started
Download PopperFramework
- _int.jar contains vendor-independent interfaces and annotations
- _webdriver.jar contains the WebDriver implementation
Add the given jars to your WebDriver project
- Add log4j to your project
- Add cglib 3 to your project
Or just use Maven:
For projects describing PageObjects:<dependency> <groupId>org.popperfw</groupId> <artifactId>Interfaces</artifactId> <version>0.4</version> </dependency>For projects running tests:
<dependency> <groupId>org.popperfw</groupId> <artifactId>Core</artifactId> <version>0.4</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.seleniumhq.selenium</groupId> <artifactId>selenium-java</artifactId> <version>${webdriver.version}</version> </dependency>
Creating a simple page object
Defining a PageObject is done by defining an annotated interface.
@Page public interface LoginSite { @Locator(xpath="//input[@name='username']") ITextBox usernameTextbox(); @Locator(xpath="//input[@name='password']") ITextBox passwordTextbox(); @Locator(cssSelector=".submitLoginButton") IButton submitLoginButton(); @Locator(id="register") ILink registerLink(); }
Instantiating PageObjects
public class LoginTest { protected IPoFactory factory; @Before public void setup() { WebdriverContext context = new WebdriverContext(); context.getDefaultConfig().setBrowser(Browser.FIREFOX); context.getDefaultConfig().setBaseUrl(""); factory = context.getFactory(); } @Test public void testLogin() { LoginSite login = factory.createPage(LoginSite.class);; login.usernameTextbox().type("Michael"); login.passwordTextbox().type("secret"); login.submitLoginButton().click(); } }
Using parameters
@Page public interface Indexsite { @Locator(xpath = "//a[text()='{0}']") ILink linkByName(String linkname); }
Frames (since 0.3)
The content of a frame is handled as a normal PageObject. You have just to annotate the your Element with the @Frame-Annotation@Page public interface PageWithIframePO { @Frame(id="iframe") PoDescribingFrame myIframe(); }You may even access elements inside a frame from an PageObject describing content outside that frame.
@Page(name="Page with Frames") public interface PageWithIframePO { @Frame(id="iframe") @Locator(id="idLocator") ILabel directFrameAccess(); }
Opening sites
An open-method can be declared, too. This can be used, to open the site by entering the url
@Page public interface OpenedSitePO { @PageAccessor(uri="/pages/open.html") void open(); // => @PageAccessor(uri="/pages/open.html?name={0}&password={1}") void open(String name, String password); // => @PageAccessor(uri="/pages/open.html") void openMapSimple(Map<String, String> parameters); // => @PageAccessor(uri="/pages/open.html?para1=val1") void openMapWithExistingParameters(Map<String, String> parameters); // =>¶sFromMap @PageAccessor(absoluteUri="{1}") void search(String query); // => }
Getting access to page attributes
There are some Annotaions giving you access to site information
@Page public interface SimplePO { @PageSource String getHtml(); @Title String getTitle(); }
Configure Popper
You need to tell Popper how tests should be executed, f.e. where to find the SUT, what browser to use, ...
Configure by Sourcecode
WebdriverContext context = new WebdriverContext(); context.getDefaultConfig().setBaseUrl(""); context.getDefaultConfig().setBrowser(Browser.FIREFOX); context.getDefaultConfig().setImplicitTimeout(3000); context.getDefaultConfig().setLocale(Locale.ENGLISH); context.getDefaultConfig().setSeleniumHost(""); IPoFactory factory = context.getFactory();
Configure Popper by Propertyfile
WebdriverContext context = new WebdriverContext(); context.getDefaultConfig().configureByPropertyfile("/path/to/resource/in/classpath"); IPoFactory factory = context.getFactory();
The Propertyfile looks like this
browserName=FIREFOX seleniumHost= implicitTimeout=3000 browserLanguage=en_US baseUrl=